
Why do we always use the phrase “Hollywood Level Movie” in India?

By James | 25 Feb 2019

Why do we always  use the phrase “Hollywood Level Movie” in India?

When a movie is released, usually we hear a lot of reviews from both critics and audience regarding the movie. It may be good, bad or average based on the movie’s quality. In recent times, if the movie is brilliant we hear a lot from both critics and audience that the movie is “Hollywood Level Movie”. Why such a phrase is used? Is there any real reason behind it? Even, my friends and family members use this phrase. Why do people always compare Indian Movies with Hollywood movies? It’s true that nowadays we have great exposure to Hollywood and Foreign Movies. But is it fair to compare our films in Hollywood movies? I feel the “Hollywood Level Movie” phrase is been used more in South India. I strongly believe we have quality filmmakers who make movies in unexplored genres and content. Even the storytelling pattern has also been unique. Still when a movie is released, why the movie is always compared to Hollywood. Has Hollywood movies become the so-called benchmark for other movies. Every language, country, and the place has its own culture, heritage, and way of life. Every person in this world is going through different emotions, so must be with each movie. I feel the critics and movie buffs have a common misconception that CGI and Visual effects used in Hollywood is brilliant and that is what makes them special. But, there are a lot of brilliant movies made in India, which are either unseen or underrated by the audience. We only see the Visual effect driven movies in Hollywood, whereas the real beauty of the movie lies in the content. I feel nowadays Hollywood is moving towards effect driven industry than content driven industry. The makers believe that the audience needs only effects-driven movies. It has also impacted on the movies made in India as well. We are very much obsessed with the term “Hollywood” that we at times try to become a photocopy of it. We are also behind huge – budget movies and with big action set. I am not against big – budget movies or action sequence. But I feel the movies must always be content oriented and unique. Most importantly a movie which is true to its genre and achieves what it’s meant to achieve. The audience must also be receptive and open, which will help the makers to experiment in filmmaking and storytelling.

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