The trailer of Dileep’s upcoming movie Georgettan’s Pooram released on youtube recently. The comedy thriller is directed by K. Biju also features Aju Varghese, Renji Panicker, Vinay Forrt, Sharafudheen, T G Ravi in pivotal roles. Rajisha Vijayan of Anuraga Karikkin Vellam is playing the female lead in this movie. The one minute 57 seconds video is a mixture of comedy, twists and centiments. The movie is produced by Arun Gosh, Bijoy Chandran, and Shivanee Suraj under the banner of Shivani Entertainments and Chandni Creations. Music is composed by Gopi sunder. Georgettan’s Pooram is expected to hit theaters on January 26, 2017.