Managalyam Thanthunanena is a Malayalam Movie starring Kunchacko Boban and Nimisha Sajayan in the lead. The movie also stars Shanthi Krishna, Hareesh Kanaran, VijayRaghavan, Alencier, Leona Lishoy and Salim Kumar in pivotal roles. The movie is directed by Soumya Sadanandan and written by Tony Madathil.
Mangalyam Thanthunanena is a simple movie, which works well with the performance of lead actors, Kunchacko Boban, Nimisha Sajayan, Shanthi Krishna and Hareesh Kanaran. Kunchacko Boban (Roy) and Nimisha Sajayan (Clara) are newlywed couples. The movie shows Kunchacko Boban (Roy) who is caught in deep debt and unemployed. The concept of the movie has already been portrayed in many Malayalam Movies. But the lead actor’s performance makes the movie different.
The movie also shows Kunchacko Boban (Roy) who is stuck in between his wife Nimisha Sajayan (Clara) and, his mother Shanthi Krishna (Thresiyama). Nimisha Sajayan (Clara) is not impressed with Kunchacko Boban (Roy) as he is so irresponsible and debts he has made. The rest of the movie shows whether Roy would be able to settle his debts and lead a happy life.
Special appreciation must be given to Actress Shanthi Krishna and Actor Hareesh Kanaran. They have done an excellent performance with ease. Kunchacko Boban and Nimisha Sajayan have done full justice to their roles.
In short Mangalyam Thanthunanena is a simple movie, which shows the problems of the middle-class family in Kerala. The movie is a one-time watchable movie which is targeted at Family Audience.